Apologetics Class

Tuesday, September 10 • 6:30 PM

Simpsonville  |  Renovation Simpsonville

Jason Thompson: Jason@therenovation.church
(864) 881-7801

As believers, we are to "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." (1 Peter 3:15-16).

But how? How do we explain the ideas and concepts that make Christianity unique? How do we defend the convictions and decisions that are affected by our understanding of scripture and overflow from following Jesus?

Apologetics doesn't mean apologizing. And it doesn't mean arguing. Apologetics comes from a Greek word that means answer. We are called to be able to answer the questions that are present in our own everyday life and the questions that are presented by an unbelieving world so that they might also know our Savior and believe.

So if you're ready to discuss biblical truths, evaluate current events, and learn how to defend and share your beliefs with others, then join our Apologetics Class. There are two ways to participate - live and in person on the 2nd Tuesday of every month in SVL's main sanctuary at 6:30 pm or by following along through our podcast. The live sessions are recorded and posted to the Apologetics Podcast one week later, so you never have to miss a session. Whether you join us live or through the podcast, all you need to do is register.

Childcare Available