Renovation SVL Bible Study

Multiple Opportunities

Simpsonville  |  Renovation Simpsonville

Jason Thompson:
(864) 881-7801

Join us on a new Bible study journey! Our Thursday Bible studies are going to be looking at passages of scripture about knowing Jesus, through the practice of Lectio Divina. This ancient-yet-applicable method of hearing from God through His Word will provide you with a new tool to use in your daily quiet time, and what better way to practice something new than with friends?

A women's group will be meeting at 10 am, and groups for men, women, and couples are available at 6:30 pm. All groups will meet April 11th - May 16th, and childcare is provided for both 10 am and 6:30 pm.  Please bring your Bible and a pen; the Knowing Jesus journal is provided for $10.