Care & Support

Find the Care You Need

Renovation Church is determined to care for people, whether they come through our doors or are in our surrounding community. It’s not just the job of the church staff but a calling for all believers—because the world will know our love for Christ by the way we love one another. Join us as we roll up our sleeves to minister to others. Or, if you're in a spot where you need a shoulder to lean on or a listening ear, we'll do our best to help.

How to Reach Us

Please let our Care & Support Team know if you have a need or know of a need in our church community. Someone will be in touch asap, whether it’s a Saturday or Christmas Day. In addition, you can always call or stop by to speak with a pastor during normal office hours.

Text or Call Care & Support | 864-881-0603

Email |

Church Office Number | 864-881-7801

Church Office Hours | Monday - Thursday, 8:30am - 4pm

Stay Connected

We believe that a church family is only as strong as its connections, and we want to stay in touch with you. There are three things that we ask of everyone:

  • Create a login on our website for event registration, etc., and keep your contact info updated.
  • Text HERE to 864-881-7801 when you’re attending a service. Doing so allows us to know who’s been with us both in-person and online and helps us to follow up with folks who’ve been out and let them know they’re missed.
  • Get connected through a Connection Group or Discipleship Group. Doing life in a community of believers is a wonderful thing!


We understand the importance and power of praying with one another through tough times and at moments of gratitude and praise. If you would like to pray with someone, please contact our Prayer Team.

Three ways to connect in prayer at Renovation:

  • Anytime Online: Fill out our Prayer Form. Our whole Prayer Team receives these requests and prays over them throughout the next week.
  • Anytime by Phone: Call or text 864-881-0603.
  • Sunday In-Person: Our Prayer Team is available at the front of the auditorium at the conclusion of each service.

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Support Groups and Classes

Support groups and classes offer a positive and nurturing environment to promote growth, encouragement, and healing. Please let us know if you see a class that you are interested in. If it is not currently meeting, we can put you on a contact list for the next time it’s offered.

  • Grief Share 
  • Divorce Care 
  • Financial Class 
  • Single Parenting 
  • Marriage 101 
  • re|engage 
  • Teacher Support Group
  • Adoptive / Foster Parents
  • SPAR (Supporting Porn Addiction Recovery)

Additional Care Needs

Sometimes life throws curveballs. No matter what situation you find yourself in, we want to support and encourage you. Please email, text, or call and let us know about your situation so we can be there with you.

Our pastoral team is organized to ensure that a pastor is on call after hours for support during a crisis, such as a sudden hospitalization or a death. Please contact our Care/Support number and a pastor will call you back.

Our Visitation Team extends our encouragement and prayers to those in our church family who are facing an unexpected hospitalization, surgery, extended illness, as well as those who are homebound or in a nursing home.

The Meal Team shows love and support by providing meals for families as they welcome new babies, face hospitalization or illness, or grieve the loss of a loved one. While a few meals will be provided by our team, we can also arrange an online meal registry so your friends and family in and outside of the church have an organized way to help you, too. Meals can be arranged for an individual or family.

Our Care Ministry is dedicated to providing support in times of bereavement by hosting funeral or memorial services. Grief-related support is also available in the days and weeks that follow.

Weddings at Renovation are available for church attendees. To be married by a Renovation pastor, a couple must complete our premarital curriculum with a mentoring couple.

There are times we all need one-on-one help from someone who has already walked the road we’re on. If you are in need of help that’s beyond what’s offered in a class or support group, please let us know. We have lay-counselors who are prepared to walk with you through marriage, premarital, and financial counseling. We also can help you connect with a Christ-centered professional counselor for other needs.