GVL Midweek Bible Study: Romans

Wednesday, October 9 • 6:30 PM

Greenville  |  Renovation GVL

Laura Beth Cuyar: laurabeth@therenovation.church
(864) 881-7801


Join us for Midweek Bible Study! We'll be taking a look at the book of Romans and taking the text two chapters per week to discover what God has to say to us through Paul's letter to the Romans. We'll wrap up the last two weeks by covering Revelation 1 & 2, to deep dive on John's letters to the seven churches.

We will meet every Wednesday, September 18 - November 20, from 6:30 - 8 pm at Renovation GVL.

How does this work?

  • This class will be a combination of teaching and group discussion, with plenty of room for questions!
  • There's no cost, but bring your Bible and a notebook.
  • We know things happen. If you can't make it one Wednesday, jump back in the next week (but we'll miss you!)
  • If childcare is needed for infants - 5th graders, please register. RSM (student ministry) meets Wednesday nights for students in 6th - 12th grade.
  • The group is led by Jason and Jennifer Cowley.